In the past year, we have witnessed unprecedented acts of heroism, charity, and camaraderie. For 383 days, our brave soldiers have exhibited exemplary courage, while their wives have diligently held the family unit together. The country has come together, offering over 9,000 hours of selfless service and support, translating to over 550,000 minutes of generosity and kindness. This spirit of unity and dedication is a testament to the resilience and values of our nation.
To understand the source of this collective spirit, we must look to our tradition. The prayer for rain on Shemini Atzeret, Tefillat Geshem, holds a clue. We recite, “When your treasured people thirsted for water, [Moshe] struck the rock and out came water… For the sake of his righteousness, grant abundant water!” Despite Moshe being punished for hitting the rock instead of speaking to it, why is this incident invoked as a source of merit? The Torah also praises Moshe’s “strong hand” that he performed before the eyes of all Israel, referring to the shattering of the tablets.
In the Torah, Moshe’s actions are often shrouded in mystery. Our sages teach that the tablets were akin to a marriage contract between Hashem and Am Yisrael, and by smashing the tablets, Moshe protected Am Yisrael from spiritual infidelity with the Golden Calf. This act highlights the principle that the Torah was created for the sake of Am Yisrael.
This idea resonates with the sacrifices we’ve seen in recent times. Our people have put the interests of the nation ahead of their own, exhibiting a willingness to selflessly support one another. As we reflect on the past year, we are reminded of the heroic acts of those who have put the well-being of their fellow human beings above their own.
In the merit of these heroes, may Hashem bless us with a sweet and prosperous year ahead.