Meeting with parents. Video: LAAM
Daniela said: “Mom, you fought for me like a lioness.” The girl’s father hugged her and replied: “She traveled all over the world for you.” The mother, Orly, added: “You know I would do anything for my child.”
Liri Albag hugged her parents and, smiling, said: “I love you.” Her mother Shira replied: “We know that, you are home, and this is the most important thing. I have been waiting for this moment. You are our heroine.” Leary looked into the camera and said: “I love you, dear Israelis. You supported our families in difficult times and did everything for our liberation. Thank you so much, I love you.”
Karina asked her mother not to cry. “You are back, our dear, you are back. You are with us, you are with us, you are with us!” – her mother answered. Ayelet, Naama’s mother, told her: “My dear, everything is okay now, I’m protecting you,” and the girl’s father added: “I will always protect you, everything will be fine.”