The problem with such products is not so much the content of fat, salt and sugar, but the presence in these products of extracts of artificial components that are harmful to intestinal health. These foods can also increase your appetite and cause negative physical sensations.
Chronic consumption of ultra-processed foods, according to Dr. Tim, can reduce life expectancy by 10-15 years due to the associated health risks.
It’s important to remember that ultra-processed foods also include chips, salty snacks and crackers, frozen French fries, pizza and other prepared foods, as well as many types of cheese and processed meats such as hot dogs and bologna. These also include some yoghurts and curd desserts with artificial fruit fillings, as well as baked goods.
The doctor suggests introducing a warning on the packaging of such products that their use may involve certain risks, since they are inexpensive and should be consumed at your own peril and risk.
To maintain gut health and increase energy, the doctor recommends including 30 different foods each week, such as nuts, seeds, coffee, spices, dark chocolate, fruits and vegetables. Dr. Spector assures that achieving this goal is easier than it may seem, and will lead to improved gut health and increased energy levels.
“Cursor” wrote earlier that experts called foods that prevent you from losing weight. The list includes, among other things, sugar and white bread, so these should be minimized in the diet.