The Reign of Lazio’s “Maestro”
As a documentary film about the life of Lazio’s legendary coach, Tommaso Maestrelli, premiered at the Rome Film Festival, his son Massimo reflects on his father’s remarkable achievements and draws parallels with another improbable sporting fairy tale, that of Leicester City under Claudio Ranieri. According to Massimo, his father’s Lazio was similar to Cagliari of the 1970s, a team that defied the odds and achieved greatness under the guidance of Manlio Scopigno, a coach known for his strong character and ability to motivate his players.
Massimo recounts that his father’s Lazio was a team that was “like a family” under his guidance, with a strong sense of camaraderie that transcended the pitch. This is a sentiment echoed in the story of Ranieri’s Leicester, where unity and teamwork played a crucial role in the team’s remarkable Premier League title victory in 2016.
The two stories may seem disimilar on the surface, with Lazio’s 1974 Italian Championship win coming at a different era and sporting context, but Massimo’s astute observation may hold a grain of truth. Both stories share a common thread of underdog spirit and a sense of collective effort that produced extraordinary results.
As fans of both Lazio and Leicester City will attest, these are stories that capture the hearts of sports enthusiasts worldwide, reminding us that, in the world of football, anything is possible with the right blend of talent, dedication, and teamwork.